Thin Brick Uses
Thin Brick Uses in Commercial Applications
What makes authintic brick the ideal brick in commercial applications? For starters, consider what it takes away. It’s lightweight. It eliminates the need for shelf angles, steel lintels and foundation support – so your structural requirements are reduced. Authintic Brick can be installed virtually anywhere you want the warm and rich look of genuine brick without the worry of having a structure to support the weight of typical full sized clay brick.
Now consider what it adds. Thin brick is thinner so you end up with more usable floor or green space. The lighter weight gives you more design freedom – including easily mixing with other façades – while still meeting the new energy codes for continuous insulation. You’ll also benefit from efficient, year-round installation and the ease to remove for future renovation. This is a brick you’re sure to love working with.

Thin Brick Uses in Residential Applications
It’s not so much where to use authintic brick to create a fabulous look – as much as it is where can you not enjoy it? Try this: walk around your home and look at the walls in each room. Can you imagine how the addition of Authintic Brick will transform any room or space? Now walk around the outside of your house. Same deal. To transform your home in a big way, think authentic.
Use Authintic Brick on Your Next Project!

Fireplace Facing
Outdoor Kitchen & Hardscape
Exposed Foundation Wall
Home Additions
Exterior Gable Peaks
Wine Cellar
Vaulted Ceiling
Basement Remodel
Porch or Patio
Wet Bar
Siding Replacement
Dining Room Feature
Home Office Upgrade
Kitchen Backsplash